Gold Haribo

Finally managed to the get Gold Haribo, the last one of current Tuifly special liveries...

Yesterday decided to go to the airport for some spotting. It's been quite a while since I had been there for a spotting morning.
Knew that the Cargo flight, from Swiftair ,was a different registration with no pics on the main photo databases and also knew that the Finnair flight was beeing made by a Smartlynx A320.
Didn't knew what else was coming and didn't care...

It felt like the first times of spotting where you went to the airport completely "blind" and happy with whatever you got...
I was also with no radio (bateries went out) when I noticed some plane far away, on final to runway 23, pointed my Bigma and....!!!!!! WTF?? The Golden Haribo!!! YESS!!!!!
The first time I took such a long shot that was acceptable...
On the back, a sistem of solar panels is beeing mounted in Caniçal.


That white nose sure gives it an even more colourfull touch...

TAP also brought one of its "specials" ...CS-TNP

Taxi was made after some was the all morning like that...sun, rain, sun... which turned out really nice..

A really nice take off from runway 23, to Hannover

 Took a lot more pics of this one but I'll leave some more for another ocasion...


  1. Um avião muito bonito. E o nariz branco dá-lhe em ar... canino!
    Muito boas fotos!

  2. Execelente Rui, gosto particularmente da foto após take off... aquele fundo cor de chumbo dá um bonito contraste. 5* como é teu hábito.


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