Flying over Porto Santo

These were on the "bucket" since last November....
They were taken on the day of the activation of AM3 during a couple of passes over Porto Santo, for some aerial shots of military LPPS (AM3) and...of course, the rest of the island.

Indeed a fantastic oportunity given by the Air Force to be present at such an event and my baptism on the new C-295, after beeing already "baptized" on the C-130 and the C-212 (next stop...the EH-101..LOL)

The island is rather small and this is pretty much everything in one shot....
Approaching the beach (with around 9Km of fantastic golden sand...)
The bubbled window provided some great views and quite a diferent framing...looks like you're outside the plane...
Vila Baleira Hotel and Aparthotel Luamar...
Overview of the Colombo's Resort and Pestana Hotel, backed by Ana Ferreira's Peak. On top right, the Golf.
Pestana Hotel....
Overflying LPPS at mid-altitude, approaching AM3

The AM3, with a the Alert Merlins and another C-295
Another view, closer and focused on the main area of the AM3 Hangar and dispersals, taken while banking hard to the left....YES!! Great ride!!
A small lighthouse...don't really know the name of the islet...
Our "ride", the C-295, operated by Sqd.502 will have one unit detached at Porto Santo.
Time to say good-bye....The return flight was a lot more quiet....

Indeed a fantastic day! Many thanks to the Portuguese Air Force.


  1. Fantástico ''report'' Rui!
    Deve ter sido uma experiência espectacular.

  2. A experiência foi excelente André!
    Estou com esperanças que se possam fazer mais alguns "baptismos" durante as comemorações da Força Aérea, por cá, durante as comemorações do dia da FAP.

  3. Fantástico! MAS COMO, como foram possíveis essas fotos?

  4. Olá Pedro, aquando da activação do AM3, o C-295 da FAP fez um par de órbitas ao Porto Santo, para tomada de imagens por parte da comunicação social.
    Algumas dessas fotos só foram mesmo possíveis devido às 2 janelas em bolha que o 295 tem, que permitem uma perspectiva "exterior"...


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