New Photo of the Week - C-135FR - the Top of a Great Week

Despite all the mess created by the vulcano ashes of the Icelandic vulcano (I could copy/paste the name of it but it's definitely unpronounceable...) this was a great week regarding air traffic at Madeira, with lots of interesting and diferent stuff.
The Cherry on Top of the Cake was the French Stratotanker that visited us last Friday, staying on night-stop, specially for a military aviation fan like myself (although I'm definitely surrended to airliners...)

But there was many other stuff, like Sata's A310 with the new livery (CS-TKN), that visited us twice, the PoAF C-295 and the C-130 which made quite a low pass to compliment the French that had just arrived, the hybrid XL/Miami Air, the Smartwings, the OE-LNP in Austrian livery, the HLX Haribo and many other more regular but still interesting traffic...
Spend a lot of fuel this week on trips to the airport, on everyday of the every but it's defnitely Great to have this kind traffic.
Anyway, now it's time to start processing and sharing here all that stuf...I'll try to do it during next week....


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