200th : The Orange Easyjet!

Yesterday night, when I posted the entry about waiting for the coming of the Easyjet's 200th Airbus with the special Orange livery I didn't know how close I was to get it....

Today the London Gatwick flight was made by this beauty! I couldn't even believe in my eyes, when I noticed it...
It was almost like they attended my request.... ;)
Anyway, didn't manage to get landing so, went for the departure...

While lining up on runway 05, the F/O definitely noticed me and A.M.

G-EZUI pushing back...

on taxiway Charlie, with some great reflections on the shinning new painting...

The A320 linning up on 05, "carrier" style....
Less than half-an-hour later we had yet another special livery....
Stay tunned for the pics...


  1. Lindo, esta com um ar fantastico...

    Paulo Olim
    Asas Madeira

  2. Realmente, ficou especial, é a minha cor favorita ;)
    Agora, já podem ver a laranja voadora mais viçosa que antes.
    Parabéns pelas imagens!!!

  3. Obrigado.
    Está realmente melhor do que eu esperava, com aquele metalizado no laranja...

  4. Muito bom. É quase um "negativo", falta-lhe apenas a cauda e os motores brancos :)

  5. Olá Rui,

    Podemos partilhar as suas fotografias na página de Facebook da easyJet Portugal?

    eaysJet Portugal


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