One of the things I allways wanted was to shot some night shots to the PoAF C-212 or Merlin.
The lights, the props and the long-exposition photos on it should be great.
These last days have been talking a lot about that (and the Spotters night that Sqn.751 is organizing didn't help to forget this....)

Unfortunately, some sad events provided me the oportunity for some night shots of the PoAF C-212 with full props and lights...
This night, a palm tree fell over some people at the neighbour island of Porto Santo and at least a couple of persons had to be evacuated to Madeira (another was killed...).
This was made by a C-212 from Sqn.401 stationed at AM3, at Porto Santo...

Expecting the injureds, a couple of Ambulances and a Quick Intervention Emergency Team (EMIR)....

These were some of the effects I was looking for...

Ready to leave, back to AM3, at Porto Santo


  1. Que situação... :(
    Fotos no momento certo.

  2. O carácter penoso da situação não ofusca a oportunidade nem o "inusitado" das imagens, como sempre, muito boas!

    Abraço e até breve!

  3. Maldita palmeira ... (presumo que seja isso)
    Lindas imagens, Paulo.

  4. Sim, infelizmente estava relacionado com isso...

  5. Mais triste foi ver isso ao vivo pânico total , e sem ninguém poder fazer nada perdeu se ali uma vida, agora podia ter sido evitado há muito tempo !!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Isto está diferente por cá, excelentes fotos, excelentes efeitos com as hélices.


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