Photo of the Week: WizzAir first flight

Regarding spotting, this week hasn't been bad at all, specially considering the all year... 
After the first flight of the new TAP retro (check HERE), we also got (finally) the premiere of a new airline at Madeira, and one that I really had been expecting to see here for a long time...WizzAir

Love those colors!

Yesterday and today, also we also got a lot more traffic than usual but, didn't manage to go to the airport...

Anyway, some shots of WizzAir's first flight to Madeira.
They'll be making a couple of weekly flights (Tuesdays and Saturdays) from Luton, London.

A321 G-WUKI arriving from Luton, on runway 05

One of the fire dept. trucks waiting for the welcome bath...
Water on! Welcome!

Ready for the return flight to Luton...


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