Air Nostrum: 3 in a row...

Yesterday we had, in less than half an hour 3 Air Nostrum's, including the premiere of one of their new CRJ-1000 in a new flight, from Madrid.
The other 2 were CRJ-900 in the already know routes of Valencia (VLC/LEVC) and Bilbao (BIO/LEBB)

With the oportunity of going to a couple of cockpits, the one from the CRJ-1000 deserved the choice for the Photo of the Week...

The cockpit of the EC-LPN, a new Canadair CRJ-1000, received by Air Nostrum in February

The CRJ-1000 landing on 05, arriving from Madrid

EC-JZT, one of the CRJ-900

One wheel landing...

EC-JYV, the other CRJ-900

3 in a row...looks more of a spanish airport than Madeira....

The cockpit of EC-JYV, one the CRJ-900

And another view of the CRJ-1000 cockpit...
Samyang 8mm fish-eye rules :))


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