Testing, 1, 2, 3...

Got myself some new gear. Birthday is coming closer and decided to gift myself.
(and also my "old" 300D has been announcing its eminent death for a long time...).

I'm now the proud owner of a Canon 1000D.
Well, it's just an entry level camera (and so the 300D was) but I guess it's good enough for my skills. If I don't take good pics with it, then using a better camera wouldn't help at all...
Anyway, still testing some definitions as it brings a lot more features than the 300D...

A rather quick stop at the airport, on a Saturday late afternoon was the first plane spotting photography with it...
The second day of Aigle Azur to Madeira on A319. Coming on final with some backlit but a lot of great reflections...

The other French of the afternoon, taxiing to 05 to departure...

An old LTU plane, now with Air Berlin livery but still with a sticker with "Operated by LTU"

And finally, the home land airline...

Conclusions? Well, will let you decide on the pics but I'm rather pleased with the way the camera deals with whites and the sun. Used center-weight metering (unavailable on 300D) and it looks like it's the best option for plane shooting.
On the other hand, looks like works a real bad with the lens weak point, regarding low f numbers...
Will just keep trying definitions and trying to learn and improve...


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