Memories: Belgians at Porto Santo

It's been a while since my last post on military aviation, so here's a memory post...

Porto Santo usually gets a lot more military traffic than Madeira but some of Murphy's law must say that whenever I'm there there's nothing going on....

My first digital Camera was a small Fujifilm Finepix 6800.
For the time it was rather nice for some vacation pics but it was no spotting camera...
Anyway, back in 2003 I was in Porto Santo, during summer vacations when I noticed (it was hard not to notice...) a bunch of F-16's arriving to local airport...

They were Belgian, including one with the most fantastic Tiger tail I had seen (and again...Murphy said that it would be the one to be parked on the farest far I as know this plane end-up having a crash accident a couple of years later, unfortunatelly...)

Anyway, as far as I can remember, it was the first time I saw (and heard!!!!) live F-16's...the moments and the pic's are now part of my memories....


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