
Jorge called my atention today on a new plane to Luxair (info on Skyliner Aviation), so in lack of new traffic (still processing the pics from last monday, with a couple of nice catches, specially G-OOBA, with new colors, Thomson ones, and winglets...) decided to share some Luxair pics, remembering old and new colors...

The next two are definitely my favorites on this airline:
Taking off from runway 23, in the afternoon...

Landing on runway 23, on the afternoon...

Taking off from runway 23 in bad weather...This is the only pic I have published on paper for this airline:

Still old colors and another take off from runway 23 on the late afternoon...

New colors landing on runway 05 by the afternoon...

and taking off, from runway 05, also on the afternoon...

Want to know how to get into these locations? Have a look at Madeira Spotters's mostly there.


  1. Hi everybody, For more details on Luxair like

    1. Luxair Information
    2. History
    3. Luxair Destinations
    4. Fleets
    5. Phone Numbers
    6. Baggage Allowance
    7. Luxair Images

    visit "". This URL may be useful.


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