White at Night - Porto Santo

One of the planes I was looking forward to get at Porto Santo was White's A320.

This was a premiere for me as it never had come to Madeira (it started coming to Madeira while I was at Porto Santo)
Check the first pic of it at Madeira in Planepictures, by Jorge Abreu, HERE.

The conditions were hard for night shots, as the wind was blowing quite strong.
Had to keep the tripod low and the exposition time the less possible.
Still, the shots turned out not very sharp...

The first one was taken inside the airport top bar after Jorge Abreu sugesting me to try the bar for the pics:

Not good if you want the plane as the main subject but still you can make quite some nice and diferent shots and definitly a nice place to watch the planes (didn't try the coffee but heard that it's quite crappy...)

Ready to leave to Lisbon...


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