Photo of the Week: Royal Navy Merlins

Yesterday we got, for the first time, a couple of Royal Navy EH-101 Merlin's, operated by the 820 Naval Air Squadron , currently boarded on HMS Queen Elizabeth, sailing to the south Atlantic.

The couple of helicopters (ZH854 and ZH835) made 3 flight to unboard a good number of crew members...
Entering the apron, on the second flight....

taxiing to runway 05 for a return flight to HMS Queen Elizabeth. Nice to photograph a Merlin with this grey livery, as I'm used to see our own Merlin's with the green/brown camo.

allways nice to have more than one of these birds in one pic :)

one of the take-offs...

On the many many pics I've taken, this one the only one I managed to get a beacon...


  1. Excelentes chapas!
    Material fotográfico sucata e pouca rodagem no metier, caso meu, fotos igualmente sucata!
    Valeu pelo desfastio da ditadura Boeing/Airbus.

  2. Obrigado. Realmente ja tinha saudades de apanhar uns destes


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