Transavia Special liveries

Today I had the miss of the week (at least...).

PH-XRA, with the new 2012 Beach Volleyball special livery came today to Madeira, from AMS (Amsterdam) and I unfortunatelly didn't managed to get it...

Looks like the weather was really crappy and dark but, still a bad pic of better than no pic at all....

Anyway, it's a good oportunity for an entry with some Transavia special liveries I've caught around here....

PH-HZX with Jumbo Supermarkten livery

PH-HZL with Cosmo secret fashion trip.
This one almost had to go to Porto Santo, due visibility and rain.
It still made quite a few holding patterns before the landing

PH-HZS, Staatsloterij logojet
PH-HSC, "daar word je vrolijk van!"
PH-XRA had another fantastic special livery but also didn't get it (and as far as I know it didn't come to Madeira on those colors... (Mobile...)


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