Ryanair: Medical Emergency

Back to the Porto Santo traffic...

During these vacations on that island, the most surprising traffic I had the oportunity to spot was EI-EMF, a B737 from Ryanair that diverted to that island with a Medical Emergency on board.

Specially curious was the fact that the week before, another Ryanair made the airline first landing on that island, also with a Medical Emercency...
(fortunatelly, this time things were less serious than the first time, when the passenger died....as far as I know was already dead on arrival)

Had made an early wake for some ND photos but the rainy weather made me go back to bed.
A phone call woke me but wasn't much in the mood the talk to anyone...turned it off...
A second call right after made me rise of the bed....it was probably something interesting......
It was.... :))
Well...still managed to get to the airport while the ambulance was still waiting for the person to evacuate to local health services

A big thanks to Pedro and Paulo...
After the medical evacuation, a little bit of refueling and it was ready to get back in route...

taxiing to runway 36

rotation on the departure to Tenerife...

After the starting of the rotation, the take off was still quite long.... 


  1. Numa incursão que fiz a Sá carneiro e à Invicta, era vê-los às dezenas na placa do aeroporto e a sobrevoar a cidade!
    Vê-los e fotografá-los por aqui, é, no mínimo, estranho!

  2. Pois, na Páscoa reparei que andavam aos montes por lá...


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